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Info Update 2007 is over, but I hope to see you all again next year...
Here are some pictures from the party:
This year we had a very little time to build up the party place so we
decided to have only one van full of MSX stuff. This was the first time
actually managed to achieve our goal. These are the pictures from

I think that the most of the party visitors managed to find correct
although it was changed from last year. It was good to notice that some
people actually read what I write.

In front of the (correct) party place there were people already waiting
for hardware to arrive. I want to thank everyone who helped us from the
bottom of my heart as without help we could not have ever made it.

In the end we managed to get everything up and running and we even got
some time to sleep before the party.

Ok, about the party... After running some old demos it was time
for coffee and cake.
Lagers had made a real neat looking MSX cake for our party.

It was actually so nice looking that no one wanted to cut it untill
finally STT took the job.
The cake was pretty big, but because we had more visitors this year as
never before the size was actually just right.

Our Estonian friends were also kind enough to bring a box of beer and
share it with other party visitors. (Tambet is in the middle of picture)

Tambet also made it possible for us to release these previously
unreleased Estonian games from AttackerSoft (Markus Klesman, Raul Keller,
Kaspar Loid & Oleg Maskhov)
You can download the games by clicking the
pictures. These games have been modifyed to run on standard MSX
Adventurer (MSX2) |
Phobos (MSX1) |
In this picture you can see Prodatron on the left and Dvik on right.

Unfortunately we did not manage to get ObsoNet working in the party
place because of a bad network connection and some flash related
problems. Prodatron's show about SymbOS was anyway very impressive.
Here you can see Prodatron's MSX tR playing videos and MP3-files on

When people saw SymbOS running the reactions were everything between
laughter and shock.

Unfortunately we didn't manage to avoid problems also while showing
Dvik's demos. The MSX1 disk drive we had with us did not work well and
also one of Dvik's disks was broken. However in the end we managed to
show at least 1.5 demos from Dvik. For full experience I suggest to
download these great demos from http://www.msxblue.com/

We had also some demo veterans in the party place. Marq (left) was a
coder in Lieves!Tuore (MSX1) demo group and at least Britelite (right)
is wellknown from tons of demos for other platforms. Maybe next year we
get demo for MSX platform as well. :-) At least MSX demo compo was in
his wishlist for the next year.

nf from former Bandwagon
demogroup (MSX1) also
the party place, but unfortunately I did not manage to capture him with
the camera. Same problem with Jari Paulin, who was actually one of
the few Finnish people who released commercial game
in 80's
(Mr Seek by Teknopiste)
From the picture below you can anyway spot Juha Riihimäki who
known from his fMSX emulator for Symbian platforms. This was actually
the first time we managed to get him to the party place.

Here you can see our cake master Lagers, who also tried to get MSX1
demo release ready for the party with his friend. Unfortunately they
didn't manage to make it in time. I hope that we can add their demo to
this page soon.

Playing games was a popular hobby also this year, so let's add a few
pictures of that as well...
Here is one of my favourite games Pleasure Hearts.

X-tazy playable demo on big screen...

We had also lots of old games and other programs that could be
tested by party visitors.

Later in the evening we had a helicopter compo. Here you can see winner
and 3rd as well as our huge helicopter. Lagers was 2nd.

About hardware....
Here you can see Konami's Monkey Academy cartridge at the party place.
As you may see, we were prepared for long playing session :-9

... this was one of the very few cartridges that actually did run on
this Casio MX-10 that we took with us. Somehow this computer is very
cute as it is so tiny, but the very limited RAM space &
horrible rubber keyboard makes it much better idea to show
this computer without power.

STT was once again responsible for the most rare hardware like
this sample version of Konami Sound Creator

STT had also his weird SVI-738 that is actually MSX2+ with 1MB RAM,

We also had LaserDisc system up and running. This year we even took a
little video clip of playing Star
Fighters and Esh's

In this last picture you can see Yamaha Unit Connector UNC-01 together
with our MSX T-shirt. BTW we still have those t-shirts if you are

If this was not enough, check out pictures that Petri Pyörre
We think that this year MSX Info Update really turned from MSX user
meeting into a fair. This means that it's really time for us
to modify the party concept for the next year...
Anyway I'm
already looking forward for the next year and if you want to be part of
our team, don't hesitate to contact us.